Dental tweezers/forceps

Home Offer Dental instruments Dental tweezers/forceps

Various types of tweezers/forceps form the basis of dental office equipment. They can be used to place various types of rollers and tampons, as well as for suturing.

The assortment includes:

-Diagnostic tweezers College, Meriam, Perry, Caulk

Suturing forceps (needle positioning)-pattern with a characteristic hole and incision for easy positioning of the needle during sewing;

Forceps for gingivectomy or gum mass reduction surgery for the needs of implantology or prosthetics with a notch for gingival pricking

Endodontic forceps with a lock – tweezers with special longitudinal and transverse grooves (model ST 242) for easy gripping

Curette forceps with a special semi-sharp curette on the tips for easy holding and removal of tissues;

Orthodontic forceps – self-clamping for gripping and positioning of orthodontic brackets;

Implant holding forceps with a special groove for secure gripping of dental implants, mainly made of titanium;

Miller atriculating paper holders, allow for its precise placement, which is aimed at determining the contact point of irregular filling surfaces;

Dressing and tissue forceps – a wide range of tweezers from the offer of medical tools.


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