Cosmetic instruments

Cosmetic instruments

The cosmetic tweezers we offer allow you to perform simple treatments that are offered in popular beauty salons. You can also use them in home conditions.

Tweezers enable precise adjustment of eyebrows and eyelashes, which translates into aesthetics. Cosmetic tweezers are also an option to apply artificial eyelashes, which are becoming more and more popular from year to year.

The assortment also includes instruments designed for manicure and pedicure, and thus caring for the aesthetic appearance of nails, hands and feet. Simple treatments can be carried out by yourself, and in the case of more complex ones, use the services of a professional beautician. The offer also includes raspatories allowing effective removal of cuticles, nail scissors, carriers for henna, applicators for nail decorations.

Narzędzia kosmetyczne

The content presented on this website is intended only for Professional Users in the field of medical devices. Especially individuals practicing in the medical profession or otherwise professionally associated with the medical industry - such as distribution of medical devices.

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