The company Fabryka Narzędzi Medycznych CHIRMED Marcin Dyner obtained a subsidy from the European Union for the project “Promotion of the CHIRMED product brand on foreign markets” as part of the European Funds for Smart Economy program.
The aim of the project is to increase the recognition of the CHIRMED brand on foreign markets, and thus to establish new contacts and sign new contracts, resulting in an increase in the company’s export sales.
The project goal will be achieved by participating in foreign trade fairs as an exhibitor on the German and Japanese markets and the UAE market, as well as by participating in economic missions to the US, Japan and Thailand markets.
The project will benefit employees who participate in fairs and exhibitions, employees of the export and production departments and employees involved in the implementation of new products.
Ultimately, the company’s customers in Poland and abroad will be able to use the new products.
The project will result in establishing new contacts and signing new contracts, resulting in an increase in the company’s export sales while respecting the natural environment and social needs.
#EUFunds #EuropeanFunds
Project value: PLN 464 755,63
Amount of contribution from European Funds: 201 835,20 PLN